Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Halloween Horror Nights 2012 Survey Now Up

The survey is now up for Universal Studios Hollywood's Halloween Horror Nights. This is your chance to vote for what you specifically want to see for next year's event and share your thoughts about this year's event.

After I have taken the survey, there was one section in the survey that asked me something that I didn't see in the one last year: "Which celebrity would you like to see involved in next year's HHN?" The choices ranged from Ozzy Osbourne, SlipKnoT, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, Tim Burton Clive Barker, Lady Gaga, Wes Cr--wait a minute! What was the last one? What on earth is Lady Gaga doing on the survey? How does she, in any way at all, relate to horror? Well, that's just something I hope doesn't happen at HHN.

Despite the few bizarre options on the survey, I highly suggest you take it right now as the survey will only be up for a week. Remember, HHN wants to hear your thoughts, and the event will only improve as long as you give them your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. They should make a 13 ghosts maze in Halloween horror nights 2012 because its so cool to go in maze like that
